Intro.. ...Back Draw... ..Along Poems.. ...More They locked us in the small blue bathroom in the central bungalow. We sat silently on the floor for a long time and hugged each other. Then we leaned against the wall: shoulder to shoulder. "I didn't realize you weren't Alia until that maniac said your name. Can this even be true? Won't anyone stop him??" "The planet is dying. When people are desperate and scared: they are prone to put themselves in the hands of fearless tyrants." "You were right. About everything." "No. I didn't expect it to come so soon. Mowgli died." I looked at her: voiceless and breathless: and hugged her again. "We wanted to save some more animals and plants. They ambushed us: when we were passing the moon. They started shooting: and we had to let them onto the ship. You know how Mowgli was .. the heroic boy from the fairy tales .. one soldier kicked me .. he rushed at him: took his gun: and shot him. The admiral had him thrown from the ship .. I had to watch. But it was good: that I was with him: and that he was with me. Just before the airlock ope- ned: he smiled at me: and wrote with his finger the letter L on the glass. He wanted to tell me: that everything is fine - the circle is closing and he is leaving just like his father." I opened my mouth: but no words came. "And also L for Love." :I finally breathed out. "Yes .." I stood up and washed my crying face in the sink. "We have to stop this now: "I said:" I won't let those fuckers see our desperation." I soaked a towel in water and began to wipe the blood from Mastern's face and neck: "can I comb your hair?" :I asked. She nodded: looking at me with her piercing Alia's eyes. "You are different:" she said: "something has happened to you: since we have not seen each other." "Really?" I combed her and smoothed her hair back with my hand. "You are naked: I know you Greens like to undress: but in this situation .. you do not cover .. you do not hide your nakedness - like a lioness: who is also naked: but .. with an involuntary apparent grace." "Thank you:" I bit off a piece of the towel: tore off a thin strip and made her a ponytail. "Yes: I'm sad: my short life will be even shorter: but I'm also happy - I met my daughter: we spent beautiful moments together - she will live and Mowgli and I in her .. and we managed to build several large battleships. The admiral doesn't quite realize: that he's up against two races: not one. He's in for a big surprise." The door opened: and the soldier: who entered first threw a shirt and pants in front of me: "five minutes to twelve: get dressed."