Intro..                           Býk robí mú a holúbok hudri       The bull makes "mhuu" and the dove "hoodri"
Draw...                      Vlk v kožúšku a riťky sú v púdri       The wolf in the fur: and the butts are in the powder
Poems..                                       Múdry som múdry       Wise: I am wise wise
                                 Biely maco je medvedík ladný       The white bear is the bear fluid
                             Spí v zmrzline a kúpe sa dva dni       he sleeps in ice cream and takes a bath for two days
                                                   Som hladný       I am hungry

Back...                           Mám pišulu a dievčatá šušku       I have weenie and the girls - pussy
Along..                           A prstene a kamienky v ušku       And rings and stones in the ear
More...                                           Chcem pušku       I want a rifle