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:that you're up at Lyra again?
please forget about it finaly!
Everything's messed up
such accelerated leaflets in leather binding -
no one looked over his shoulder properly -
in the whole of the bloody free universe
there was no place to knock on the wood:
"Titanium Age!"
I know: how much you love those photos from space
but really sorry - we look like dicky snowmen there:
in a really badly fucked bungee jumping:
"The Lyra Giant!" 
"On the Lyra: the epidemic of hiccup was treated with android dolphinotherapy!"  
:how many things we forgot:
Noah would kick us in the ass 

Do you remember that feeling:
which we had in that bend opposite the pitch?
:in that one sugared with windshields:
I woke up with it yesterday -
please come back home bro: