Intro... Draw... Poems.. Even also her unreserved words - they were for me gently like finest oil: and: if a smooth dude: which broken wings of south wind - who would describe carats of gem forest only with babble - hexagonal afternoon in the vineyard - when I stole a pair of scissors - I - am Perceiver - The perceiver will creme his whole body in white - except for the scarlet hands. And he plays naked. White lace on pink tracksuit: pull it. Starting with orgasm: all fire into the sun. This phony charm of androids. She hasn't it. I would be excited even from the half of her nude face: I'm sucking this feeling of red.. There are some fibers in my eye: whitch are purring - when I looking at her red-pink elbows and the milk around - By roller coaster of glossopharyngeal nerve - ice cream: and pussy - stiffening roller on swiming web between the forefinger and middle finger: and middle finger and ring finger. The smallest ash. Attenuation deep in ashes. I'm refracting your blue light: here: inside me: Love. I'm observing - how long lasting your long vowels. As your slow barefoot walk. As poker. As I'm gently pushing a slick hand fan with my thumb.. Back... Along.. More...