Intro..                                                                                   ... Back
Draw...                                                                                   .. Along
Poems..                                                                                   ... More

       If I ever met you Shashank:  I'd try hard not to mutilate your exotic name: I would squeeze
your shoulder firmly: and I'd shake your hand for a long time my brother: because: I envy you.  
       I envy you: that I am not the author of that idea  - I want also to build a beautiful story 
around her velvet arms: because: this is it: this is everything. 
       Did you figure it out yourself? 
       To close your circle so wonderfully? 
       And simultaneously: let it unfold out? 
       Was it your idea: let sound the signature tune of Dharma Productions:    and expose Alia in
that ultimate gesture: here I am: I'm yours: take me ..?? 
       Maybe: my brother: that's what I'm doing now  - since then - I've been running for my life:
upstairs to her: on that golden wedding car