
(She laughed that way - by raising her chin: 
and pushing neck into shoulders: and so up: through her teeth.)
Also because of the old inferiority complex:
I don't trust the amazement of others: which is addressed to me:
maybe the recognition - will sound better - because I am insecure.
(Exactly! :as if this her: "hee-hee" - she directed a little to heaven coquettishly.)
I don't believe in its selflessness: I do all this because: 
I love to be amazed: this is the most important word in art 
- the amazement -
and: no one else's work - only mine -
can provide me: such a complex degree of sparkling amazement.
(She handed me ice cream: and pulled up her sweater:
just above the edge of her white panties - I read:
"the supple circle onscribed herself: to the tender square"
- that's mine - I was amazed)