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       Of course: Ema started to speak first.
       She was not even four months old then.  I somehow expected it: because it was also she:
who gave me the first real and wide smile: exactly on the seventh day after the big birth.   I
think: she had been working on it responsibly for the whole previous six days    - she had the
cheerful observational thoroughness encoded in her blood    - since the first time: she took a
breath of air and looked into my face with tears - already from that moment - somewhere in her
tiny subconscious:   she was sorry:   that she could not live through this great event with my
radiant joy: and immediately began to try to make it right.  
       :Which she: inevitably and in great Old Testament style:  succeeded just on the seventh
day: and then she was deservedly so resting. (Almost one full hour.)
       In a few days: all six of them were smiling at me  - and when they learned to sit and I
carried them: two at a time: in the washbowl: as if they were flying in an UFO        - we all
laughed loudly like happy monkeys.
       Not that we suffer from a lack of toys: on the contrary: we were superbly equipped with
all possible construction kits and dolls from the world's imagination: the doctor prepared the
New Rose Beginning mission really well - after entering the voice code: a third of the storage
space was transformed into a children's nursery with soft carpets:  interactive walls:  armies
of toys and jungles of colored pens: markers and crayons.     Sometimes we spent the whole day
drawing or making figurines from plasticine snakes: or we played a puppet theater   - but: the
most: we liked playing with small models of animals and soldiers.      Namely - I liked it the
most: and that's why my creativity was the most colorful in this case - and therefore the most
       We built kingdoms of underwater and forest creatures: who fought together:     and made
truces and united against threats from underground and from the midair        - occasionally I
managed to bring a bit of future history into our games:   and we were the space missionaries:
who wandered surrounded by endless stars to a small rogue planet: where they land after a long
and adventurous journey and create a new noble civilization there.
       And the children grew before my eyes.
       Whenever I realized this: how quickly they grow and change:      my next thought was of
Mowgli and Hydron: and from there it was only a step to Alia:  and I did not like to go there:
because it hurt so much     - fortunately: I was mostly cured of my pain very quickly - and in
fact all my thoughts:    which did not revolve around my little six-star constellation did not
stay long in my head: because they were insensitively brought out:     and usually it happened
through that first magic word: which was introduced here to the starship Sector D by Ema..