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       "Ema is probably pregnant. For several days she feels sick every morning and I heard her
throwing up in the bathroom. But I can't really figure out who the father is. It'll probably be
one of the new boys: they're already growing proud mustaches  - one of them must have impressed
her with his frisky charm." I told Alia: during our carefree lying in our cabin on the Hydron.
       "Maybe she just ate something:" Alia said: turned gaily onto her belly:       and raised
herself up on her elbow: "..or some quick virus visited her. The flu."
       "That's never happened here     - the kitchen and the food processors are under constant
surveillance - there are scanners and all kinds of detectors everywhere      - I doubt any pest
would go unnoticed. She's definitely pregnant. She also has a headache: and yesterday I saw her 
ating sugar with a tablespoon." I explained thoroughly:    subtly moving a little higher on the
pillow to see as much as possible into the neckline of her shirt.
       "Into the eyes!  A gentleman always looks directly into a Lady's eyes and never anywhere
else!" She said with a laugh as she noticed my hungry look:      and climbed higher towards me:
obscuring my hard earned view.
       "You beast: couldn't you let me enjoy myself for a moment?"
       "No: no: as an ambassador for sharp vision:   I mainly have to fight against involuntary
squinting syndrome."
       "Okay    - but then a direct and open wide view of the whole landscape must be more than
welcome:" I responded promptly and touched the clasp of her bra.
       "Of course - but this does not apply to the imaginary and unreal         - although very
beautiful and irresistibly alluring - figments of a rich male imagination."
       "But you're real Alia! You're like Harey from Solaris: but flawless: because I love you.
During those years in the mist: I could never get enough of your likeness:   I never had enough
of you. Even though we lived close to each other: you always escaped me in smoke:      and so I
etched deep into my memory every detail of you: which I captured.  Lips: hands: breasts: voice:
thoughts: opinions: whims - everything. I have you here profound and complete - I think you are
a Genie - and I am your transmission lamp."

"..that's beautiful Peter could even fall in love with such a thing.."

" should.."