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       "I'm terribly afraid Honey. Ema is in a very bad shape. The baby is destroying her body.
The holo-medic informed us: that due to her age and the wear and tear of her body:  he strongly
recommends an artificial termination of the pregnancy. Do you understand?! - due to her age?! -
We recently celebrated her thirteenth birthday!     We had six large fruit cakes: we dipped our
strawberries in the chocolate fountain and danced until morning. But the worst part is that the
translucent bastard is right. They already look like my peers! Viliam has completely gray hair!
I don't know what to do Honey    - it's almost certain that not one of them will get on Rosana.
Could the doctor have missed something like this?!        Our Mowgli is probably not even alive
anymore. Our boy. Our baby. And she doesn't want to have the child taken away.     She does not
listen to any of my arguments: threats or pleas   - she has always been incredibly stubborn and
persistent. When she was two months old: she climbed out of the bed on her own:  and crawled to
my cabin   - through the kitchen and a ten-meter long corridor  - came to tell me with her one-
toothed smile and loud happy laugh:        that the afternoon nap concerns completely different
helpless and clumsy newborns. "The probability: that you will die is more than ninety percent."
I yelled at her this morning: I couldn't control myself anymore.     She told me: that she is a
beautiful little girl:  and her name is Silvia:  and she will live:  even if I turn into a five
meter long snake: and tie my head and ass into a bow. She bleeds every day. Every day we run to
the clinic room with her in fear. I tried to find out who the father of the baby is - you know: 
if he loves her and she loves him - then maybe he could convince her    - you know: to make her
reasonable - but she didn't want to tell me anything. Maybe they had a fight: maybe he offended
her somehow  - she is extremely abusive   - I have to find him   - I need an ally   - the other
children are on her side in everything - they support her every decision   - as if they are all
conspiring against me - they don't talk to me at all - please hug me.."
      "They know it."
      "What do they know??"
      "They will not reach Rosana - they won't live that long."