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       .. oh Honey: yesterday: it was another beautiful day with you: thank you for the beautiful
photos: this year the little Christmas came already in October - it was busy at work:   you know:
people are especially hungry on Fridays - and lately they are kind of confused:   they don't know
find mainly salt: yeast and pizza dough - nobody has ever asked me where the alcohol is ;-)  - in
the evening: I had the feeling: that I could tie my shoelaces standing up       - then when I was
falling asleep in bed: I thought of you: how you're lying next to me    - that's probably why you
came to me in the morning in the dream: shortly before I woke up        - it was a strange dream:
everything in it was pure: no metaphors: no hints: no figurative senses: you only came to me: and
said: I love you Peter: when you wake up: this day will be just as beautiful ..