
       Friends. Good day. Starting today, you can
join here to a new exciting competition.    True,
this is not a competition for everyone     - Only
people who think     they are a Slovak writer can
enter the competition.
       Even with my enormous reading - it will be
possible       - and also in general with a total
number of Slovak writers:   associated in various
associations and clubs,         covered in motley
societies   and organized on Internet portals and
Facebook - you understand that it may happen    -
that I will not even know the participant and his
extensive work, for which, of course, I sincerely
apologize in advance. And that is why: the second
condition of the competition is:    sending ten -
the most valued by him           - his own poems. 
Alternatively, five six short stories  - or three
excerpts from the novel, a few bitter reflections
- whether three compassionate poems and one short
report - in one word: tops.
       Warning.        I will also take this into
account - when choosing the winner.  Because: the
competition is primarily intended   for extensive
poets, the widest gentle sensitive and respectful
observer of their soul, the love and nature - and
for correct poets at all:       a dreamy smile: a
bewitching eye       - but as I say: everyone can
participate.   Maybe the courage to overcome your
rigidity will decide   - maybe a vibrant contrast
and maybe even: original and strong poetry      -
although probably hardly   - since we never cared
much about this at home.
       Write a poem, short story,          essay,
reflection, or report  - where it is functionally
located:    at least one really gross vulgarism.
Namely nouns: dick, fucker, cunt, whore   and the
verb fuck.   Plus all possible additional verbal,
proverbial, substantive            and forverbial
       The more the better of course.  But beware
- functionally - sensitively   - and respectfully
of language - and especially to these amazing and
most energy-rich its inhabitants.
      Again, I realize how cruel and demanding it
is from me: to demand functionality, sensitivity,
originality and strength from you       - and, in
addition: to ruthlessly ask:  to give up the mask
of a good uncle and a loving aunt   - but imagine
how sweet victory can be then ...
       Write, add tops to the attachment    - and
send by email or post. The winner will receive  -
made by me  - his abstract portrait with graphite
and a signature pattern     - inspired by his own
unusual personality.
        Good luck friends. No need to worry.
