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       I'm sorry Alia for staring at you: but still -  you are there: in that movies  - I guess
you've already got used to such sickos - and really - I can't take my eyes off you:  I actually
do this to all people since I was young: I have it finished in a few seconds usually: and then:
better I don't look at them very much: but you !!   You're so unfathomably: and unsuperficially 
beautiful   - I can't to help - I can't over-gaze at you enough -
       I can't understand it Honey - all those your imperfections       - you're like art: what
suddenly has me stunned: and I don't know why. I've never seen such medley beauty. 
       :I don't understand it very much - you have big ears: one your eye is smaller:    sorry:
and: I couldn't help but notice: that: your feet are for miles towards to perfect* - we should:
at this moment: say goodbye: and: go each one our own way - but you - how do you dance?!!!
      :And how you cry: and rage: and: how you laugh  - and nostrils are flying over your lips:
and those wrinkles around your eyes - oh.
       Under the influence of your art - I also watched some other Indian movies: and:   I have
to say with horror: that: also there expanded: this nasty atrocity called aesthetic surgery - I
request you! I'm really scared - that you could have such an idea - I beg you -    don't let it
      I've been thinking: maybe the actresses have it in the contracts: that:  after some time:
they have to let dissect their facial expressions   - to pick out a piece of meat from the face
- so that: some deviant misogynist bastard might have felt: that: they are his statues.   I beg
you: Sweetheart: read well: what you sign..
      Sorry: you're just beautiful:  the way you are - when you play - you dance: when you say:
chalo: and: you're  leaving away sparkly     - accompanied by your hair and with the whisper of
skirts somewhere

      *no Honey, you have the most beautiful feet I've ever seen