Intro.. Draw... Poems.. What said about the wide insensible decline of Slovak and Czech artwebs - like or or Does it relate with hardworking users which have every day something to say and they flush the gallery with their immediately mess, because they are free and do not insult anyone and actually they obey the rules? And some melting shy and defective man authentic and sensitive - could be to hang something maybe twice a year - but on the one side - it will be lost there in this pile of shit and on the other side - it is still round and round new and new work - affinity based on sympathy generated of mutual compliments - nothing to happen - Bukowski and Picasso are still far on the other side - occasional criticism tear the ego - deep contradictoriness with some opinions of allied souls - and on that basis the conflict between - to be quiet - or argue against the man, that probably consider you to the artist - Nobody tells me - all the time - who I am - Shiters support each other and it is necessary to watch it freely. Who is shiter ? ... Symply - all nice games is - after those initial euphoric years too transparent? Play a role in this also fact that concerned administrators fuck it all? No development. No selection, no feedback - but how selection if the freedom should be?! Projects and membrá probably have a entry selection but even so - poor misery there arose - even the educated users - which are notable by strange lengthy overironic or postconceptual communication - attend rarely - alternatively never .. Or the reason is that - the former quasi leaders which generated the requisite arty impression - victoriously entered to the artistic awareness - publish their own real books - organize exhibition or - some cleverer uderstood first and retired - and now we are waiting for a new live mad young blood? Back... Along.. More...