
       Even though: I desire from time to time: I take the guitar: but:
then I don't want so much - to don't know.       I'll stay so tired and
annoyed. It is exactly the feeling!     :That: how much I would have to
learn - music: harmony: principles of joining     - some strange uneasy
responsibility grabbing me: which once discouraged me from writing  - I
will forget: that: I don't need to know anything: then:   too much will
stick on me anyway: in the process: for I will study: what interests me*
       Just like I knew almost nothing about literature  and fine arts:
and I was just dealing with myself:  I would definitely write beautiful
music: early in the morning:  I would be drunk with divine melodies and
lyrics - just for me - that is good original life:   to create your own
things: and to fuck: what someone dish up for you:         notice Madam
Redactor: it hurts those old dicks very: that:        everyone can be a
photographer (they once hated: that: it is possible to make photography
and not just to paint)  :and shoot movies: and: everyone can paint and:
draw - even a donkey like me (It is mutual  - I will not convince those
academics: that: they are dicks: just as they can't do it to me.) :They
say there is a difference - between. :But fuck it!    :Tomorrow morning
I'll get up earlier: take the guitar and 

       *When you realize: that:     you don't want to push it to anyone
into the muzzle       - you can afford to be even a dull ignorant Madam
Redactor: true: I like to keep the door or window open - therefore - if
I have insulted you Foxy - I would like to shake your hand and call you
brother rather: if you show me: that: I was wrong    - I love things to
which: I don't understand: I like to be amazed: please:      I like the
feeling that something is over me: that:     I can looking to something
from below: that: I am sincerely able to feel:   this wide well-wishing
envy: that: how you could do this ... Beloved ►►
