
       Today is February 6, 2011 and the truth is
that even though I am conciliatory,   shy and not
very aggressive little finger - I was always very
irritated by a macho morons types:   even so much
so: that I didn't control myself more times - and
I made it known to myself.
       And it's worse. Because I am also a hidden
Macho - what hidden?! I often likes myself openly
and loudly   even though I'm still pretending the
irony in doing so    - it's part of being decent:
people tend to punish right away:         if they
encounter open self-praise and vice versa,   when
someone declares himself aloud as a dick   - they
looks at each other strangely   - he's probably a
dick, they thinks.
       This is not allowed!  Strong self-feelings
like hate and love    - must not be verbalized in
any way, people can experience them only in their
minds - that the others are dicks  - it's obvious
- and that I'm a dick - I must never admit - it's
perverse. And what if I actually expect people to
start convincing me right away that      - not my
sweetheart, you're not a dick...?   There will be
some truth to that.
       But let's go back to the macho types: they
are abundant, they never make mistakes,      they
always stand firmly on the ground    and whenever
they have the necessary answers.   If by chance -
you omit something   - near them:the macho morons
loudly summon  - often really mysteriously around
the existing people - and:  humorously comment on
your faux pas  - they use bright Solomon's smirks
and clever descriptions,          which have been
traditional since the last century, such as: well
you're fine, buddy     - or - so today you have a
card, my boy.
       If by chance, macho moron,          fucked
something: he looks like a rock   - he is silent,
he does not look in that direction  and continues
in the same activity      - even if it meant that
flames spread across his shoulders,  and his hair
will start to burn in a second  — he won't stop —
maybe a little get pink, but nothing else.
       There are only two reliable ways to reveal
macho moron.
       The first is:       let him see you during
urinating in public     (I mean mainly men here).
Macho moron is irresistibly: as much as possible:
fascinated by any: even fleeting: looking at male
silhouette   - which hides its arms from the back
behind the hips and bows its head a little.  Then
he always reacts   with a prickly laugh to a full
mouth          and with the aforementioned winged
descriptions of the type:    so big and so small?
(this is even a rhetorical question!) or: what do
you strangle him,    do you want to strangle him?
(and again!)
       The second way to recognize these types of
people is:        they smokes while riding a bike
slovenly   - by this he apparently manifests that
in no way    - this fuckingly effeminate graceful
move forward: did not affect him:         that he
essentially distances himself from it even by his
very conviction and: simply         - in the most
necessary moment   - he'll dismount purposefully:
so that he can return    to his usual macho tasks
