
       Today is 06.08.2011 and the truth is: that:
there is no justice in:       to whom fate bestows
talent - no higher power is supervising.
       No powerful good guards       the character
of the man: who has the gift to create  - and that
is one of the reasons: why:      there are so many
useless poems and dead pictures.
       Their authors are good people:   who always
do they support each other:     further spread the
good around them avidly:     they set up clubs and
workshops:    they give face to diverse magazines:
websites: galleries: any project: into which: they
are  embarking passionately.
       They organize nice events      - where they
listen to each other: they meet each other:   they
are looking for their place in the sun together  -
they study together and later: all the good:  they
pass on to their students - good and understanding.
       It is: after all: decency:   to respect the
work of another person    - to praise the praising
one        - to support with a smile a related and
burdened by age     - who finds himself at the top
justifiably: deservedly: after due time:     after
education and adherence to the rules.
       Positively.     You will come to the finish
line positively, my friend.
       And indeed. It's a scary truth:       that:
basically anyone:      and often they are nice and
enterprising average people         - determined -
motivated:          oscillating in positive values
       But art is aristocratic       - there is no
justice in it - it's irrational tyranny - the last
tyke and rogue will be drugged   - will grab a pen
or brush  - and will give the truth!
       And even though art is labor mainly:   even
so: artists are and they always were:   explicitly
lazy and cowardly       and vulgar and selfish ...
aggressive - vain and opportunistic:  unsociable -
anxious - manic - deviant.
       So, what, Foxy?
