
       1.Wiliam Paul Young:
       That:  the literature is in the worst condition: from all neo-depleted arts:
is for that reason: beacause it is so widely available: because after all everybody
knows to write. :You need only little patience and  (even my name is printed in the
two books: you would not believe...)  :and some guy who know: how to swim in turbid
waters of sale  (it's fine: when the author have a clue)    :and we will publish it
together: first: it is necessary to make a good choice.   It is only a few topics -
the love: success and death  - will suffice: if we'll prepare the impression: that:
we have inevitable answers: and than: we'll it nail together: 
       We have to buy it: also for that: because then: you will want:       so that
everybody want to buy it: It is written on the packaging: the great:     essential:
brilliant and enthusiastic: motivational pooping        (In questions of art - this
snobbish brothel for chosen - is so fine to sing hymn with the crowd: could the man
feel knowledgeable and educated: when he's admiring the book:      what many others
       Could: here still: continue something like that:  to read many books is wise
and necessary: and: without that: you are doomed to be dull asshole? 
       It can be frustrating: I guess: and for this reason: these things have a big
big sale: because reading can be quite annoying:  when TV and PC and Phone blink on
you: and: the life from dawn to dusk too: and: you could feel some non-cultural   -
so you can saturate with cotton swabs quickly: you are welcome:       after all the
millions of readers around the world ... and are you stupider?)
       And murdered girl. 
       The author will strengthen this age-long weak place. He will be illustrating
for us: that: why?!  It will be clarify for us  - how He can allow it.   How He can
tolerate it: and: therefore you have to buy this glistening product (you don't have
:even quietly: to admit: that: despite your faith:        you are attracted by this
deviant violence) :because: you will learn: that:       The God have his mysterious
reasons for it: and: a mystic smile: it will be so sweet babbling:     lightly - by
waddle steps - not very far and then back again kindly:  the swab and some blood  -
hold it a minute.

       2.Wiliam Paul Young and Paolo Coelho:

       Because a desire to write books is a powerful and beauteous    - it tends to
toss with man - who don't have unmistakable hand:   and:  the gift to knit a story:
then can come into the world: so middle piece: that: the millions:    will see self
inside? How useful is the ability to manipulate with pieces of Bible skillfully: is
even more rhetorical question.
       And that: you find: ou yes: you finally find your pot of gold:      Foxy: go
ahead - that feeling when you finish the read  - this is you bought it - you can do
everything - you just have to ... You're going to do it this way:   this way you'll
trust: and than: you'll rich: and also: the God and the love wil be.

       3. Wiliam Paul  Young: Paolo Coelho and Antoine de Saint-Exupéry:

       Now: It  would  be cowardly to pretend: that:       I like The little prince
because: this isn't about children:  they are absolutly diferrent little cruel pets
- this would be nor beautiful - if they were all so synthetic: deep and motivating:
good. :It is the false idealism. 
       But the same: it would be dishonest: if I would say: that:      I don't like
anything in this book - I like the drawing of baobab -        what could happen ...
something grandiose and destructional ... when the weed will not be weeding ⟲
