
       In the general community is well established: to eat:
 what is presented  - and this applies for everything - but:
the man: should be have a few things:      which he does not
consume: but on the contrary: trying to make the food:    if
it's not for others - at least for self     - and this is my
case - nobody like my food. (Also it is possible: that: I am
only a dick: and:    I expect too much from my omelette with
two pastries and hot tea ... no ... No! ...        these are
fucking whimsical fancy buffets here!)
       Today is 8.4.2017 and the truth is        - I stopped
googling myself three days ago:  I left the google analytics
too:   I had 8 visitors here during the month:   mostly from
Slovakia: I sincerely thank them for that    - and excuse me
for that: this number scarified me   - I will not go even on
artwebs - it is too cruel misery.
       Obviously:     I never met the man who would feel the
same than me:    by the perception of my art: this amazement
and love*: pity:         to some artists: this has obviously
happened  ..       A few years ago: I moved in a wider field
about the industry: the lax recognition: which I gained: was
probably only a selfish mirroring of my recognition: which I
lax distributed: or: some of those girls:          they were
interested about my macho interest shyly   - I am very horny
since childhood: and:  it non stop to leak out from my mouth
and skin: and:  women likes it and I am handsome man too.
       Formerly: I misled myself: that:   if I will sing and 
raw and write nicely: some mysterious beings will come: and:
they will support me: and:  they will be happy from my world
glory. Sometimes I speak with a imaginary reporter:    about
these years: and: I describe for her: that: I had feeling: I
have a mental disorder:     "It's just so - Nobody likes it:
I have to be sick: but look at it: how it is beautiful    ..
Madam Editor!" and so - It's fun.
       I can not create around me this prolific uproar: and:
sparks in which - would be lost who I am - selfish:  scared:
envious: faithless: and:   aggressive and stupid direct smug
and vengeful. :I can not affiliate with similar beginners or
important anuses. It is possible: that: I don't want it:   I
felt brutal torture everytime: when I featured in public.
       But these mysterious beings could come to me:    they
could to buy my paintings expensively:  compile my poems and
songs - and make me the mysterious living legend   - I would
like it. 
       Or not. Now I have you Honey: and:  I have everything

       *..this will happen to every artist:  no one can love
it that way like you Marcus
