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       Until I started penetrating into the secrets of healthy eating a few years ago:
I had no idea: how powerful it is - this wild stream of motivational: pseudo-shamanic:
new age shit - which is steeply flowing through bookstores: through all sorts of small
fragrant shops with Bio bran: expensive backstreet lectures and workshops.
       This stream of shit is permanently hunting for stupid one: disappointed:  poor:
disabled: and: lusting for property - it seizes the confused: and weakened one:   and:
motivating him to make another winning alternative life: but: above all:    to make an
expensive purchase.
       In these circles - strange vampire creatures floats - which are feasting on the
misfortune of others: on dependence: and: uncertainty: they will hear you gladly: and:
they help you instructively - but in their shiny eyes:   they cannot hide the wild joy
from having the upper hand over you:   the happinnes from ruling over your misfortune:
their hearts will beat loudly: when they will longly lecture with delight:   what will
you must do.
       Although their celestial life is here on Earth mostly         - into the basics
completely devastated - they don't admit it - on the contrary -      they're so deeply
beautifully themselves: positive and smiling: and:    motivating the other stray souls
to the same cheerful fate