
       Today is 09.04.2011 and the truth is: that:
I'm fixated on women's feet   since I was a child:
now I want to dig into it a bit: why..   I like to
speculate from time to time -    and especially as
regards the causes of the motives -    which moves
with us, however, completely first,    I prefer to
dig:  in my personal toddling and staggering: like
everyone else in the end           - it's the most
recognizable mess.
       Beautiful toes on a woman's feet  can bring
me:    all the way to the hammering of flag at the
top of the eight-thousander   - in ecstasy I catch
my breath and rummaging tools   and I have to nail
my abstract label right there     - Yes, this also
       My crazy aesthetic standards   thus honors:
only a really narrow group of legs     - it can be
said: that: during my life: I've  seen: only a few
couples: what they waved with me like that   - and
although: to some extent:    I can tolerate slight
deviations: for example: from the fine line - what 
the round bone under the thumb draws:   in case of
serious defects: unfortunately:    it is no longer
possible for me: to make more intimate intercourse
- however much powerful affection: simply stops at
the edge of a good friendship.
       I ask for fingers sorted by size descending
to the little finger        - the second and third
*finger must not be bigger in any case, never!  No
rewriting of the principles according     to which
hand fingers grow!   How could boys in the Baroque
to stray so fatally      and paint women with such
terribly deformed feet  - Rubens - I can't - after
that gorgeous lines - I can't lower my eye down to
the heels. Rembrandt! Why?!
       But Francis    and I understand each other:
Naked Maya: I understand: that:       with her the
master could have ticklish romps.
       Next:     I ask for a majestic instep and a
small pink heel:         smooth, without a yellow,
necrotic: chips resembling: hardening      - and I
don't want to tolerate any color other   than dark
pink, pink and white.     The aforementioned round
bone below it:       must not resemble that skewed
tumor: on which sometimes appears:         a weird
gray-white blunt tip: yes:     I'm perverted and I
really don't know why just like that:

       * September 4, 2018: I specify: after seven
years of further research: that: the second finger
can be a little bigger, a little bit,   most flush
with the ring finger:   and: if there are no other
defects on the legs:          then it can also act
harmoniously: like a graceful ripple - actually, I
saw other disturbances of my canon:  which, in the
end: after the adding:    they created a beautiful
feet - It's a bigger mystery every year...

       ** 14.11. 2020 I fully understood:    that:
I don't care, Alia:
