
       Today is 09.07.2011 and the truth is: that:
I was surprised by a sudden hatred     on Thursday
afternoon: which: surprisingly:          I'm still
harboring for that scum:  what was foaming around:
when my father: an impractical man:  decided to do
business. It was right after the gentle revolution
-   he jumped on the train and most of his friends
also got wave their socialist paunches     - nasty
shit - cynologists     - I don't understand how so
many strong            anti-celebrities could have
accumulated around dogs         - or they just got
infected with money before they were'nt such asses?
- or did my father: as an "artist": and a lifelong
hasty pigeon:    provoke these strong types of men
and they laughed at him: fucked with him: and made
him cunt openly.
       And he didn't do anything about it.
       He bent his neck  and he laughed with those
bastards: hehe: and I laughed too - they were such
tough guys: firmly sarcastic fuckers.
       That's the reason  for the hatred probably:
I'm insecure and I myself too:       as a non-herd
painted dog:     from time to time come across the
strong Macho:  who confirms his extreme value with
obvious contempt towards my unfettered person - so
what Peko - how are you?     Has humor passed you
yet? - oh  - maybe once the day will come:  when I
have strength and a sharp tongue and I'll send you
fast to suck horse dicks, uncle.
       I long for it very sometimes.
       Because I'm afraid: that:  bastard is right
and I'm: like my crazy father: useless: and:    we
may even tear ourselves apart from work - it won't
be enough.
