Intro.. ...Back Draw... ..Along Poems.. ...More Today is 10.11.2012: and: I have a serious feeling: that: I already said everything. So: this will be the last Tabloid post: except that it wouldn't: In old Petržalka: we had a barber Čabaj: he was an old man: he cut: somewhere in the bend: where grew out the peninsula "Grocery store" :washed by the quiet curvature of that time un-tourism. One and mysterious day: a door with a bell was suddenly opened: and Rasťo: our dim neighbor: who was throwing on me: our own green apricots: shouted inside: "Kokot piča u Čabaja"* :and left in the interior all this wonderful uproarious absurdity. But not because of that - since childhood - I'm suffering some form of sudden: sporadically sparkling coprolalia: but I guess because: it has never been used bad language with us: and when someone cursed rudely - it was incredibly unbelievable (Grandfather once returned from outside: resentful as much as possible: when he saw a woman in the newsstand: who "had a nude cunt"). For example: grandma's friend Ms. Heregová: She always mixed her exact descriptions of the surroundings with invectives - so jugglingly easily: and with visible and contagious enjoyment: that the conviction filled me right now - she was doing it a bit deliberately - she went there to swear a little - to that sweet Catholics - and: they were also delighted ⟲ They are just words full of everyday life: like onions: and spices for bread and rice: and let the hypocrites wipe their clean mouths with spitted handkerchiefs. Until now: during this lifetime: I have managed to collect some magnificent folk verses: valued high by me: in no way contaminated by the disgusting pedantry: what we call the meaning: with pure eruptions of adorable imagination and full of true love of language: and here are they: Kokot piča u holiča** (Beautiful absurd sentence: that touches the introduction.) Tralala: Tralala: vyskočila - zasrala***. (Thank you: Aunt Betka.) :Keď som išiel z Rajca: vybehli mi vajcá**** (But why? How?!) :Hviezdičky: hviezdičky: vy malé kurvičky***** (This is not actually folk: Máriš devised it: as her only poem: which was created in a weak moment: from overpressure of emotions and sadness: and it can be seen: that: every person can create some art - the artists are just the greedier ones - which want a lot and again and again.) * The dick and cunt at Čabaj ** The dick and cunt at barber *** Tralala Tralala: she jumped up - farted **** When I left Rajec: my balls ran out ***** The asterisks: asterisks - you little whores.![]()