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       For several: not completely clear: but intense reasons: I: a simple boy:  originally from a Liptov family of wandering
glaziers and gypsy musicians: decided one day: that I will be well-read: and since then:      I started reading many kinds of
       And sometime I will read: a few of them: certainly again: and it will definitely be - Bụuel's biography: Silverberg's
The Man in the Maze: many novels by Stephen King: Minds by Daniel Dennett (oh: what a contrast!)     :Rilke: Matthew Sweeney:
Leonard Cohen: Corso and company - a little religion: philosophy: a bit of biology: art: sci fi: sci fi  - from time to time:
a smooth British language of one of the critical thinkers: and: in between it: the stories of all the most diverse kind.
       The books: which I want to read: owns a smooth living language: in the first place. Then it can be anything -   rubble
from history: Mendeleev's table: verses: or an infantile story about a car sucking blood from a foot    - it doesn't matter -
I'll eat it all nicely: drink down with coffee: and I'll go for another load. In second place is the truth.   (Now I think: I
should put the truth first: but it would be fake: and then:  I would not want to read it after myself.)
       I imagine the truth as something very difficult to define: somehow hot:       like the first sip of coffee on an empty
stomach: the finding: heat vibrating in me: or possibly re-finding: or re-OTHERWISE-finding:    what Mr. Author cooked for me
masterfully  - he did it´ so nonviolently smoothly and vividly: that I sincerely envy him:   and this is the most prestigious
price for art from me - in fact for any kind of. 
       Now I can write: the truth is the first and most important criterion: which I take into account     (I'm certainly not
alone) :when I'm going to name something: the art. In second place is beauty. (Yes: she should be in first place and she also
was - but self-education corrupted also me in this in the end.)
      The First Cruel Prize for Truth 2012 is for Leonard Cohen.       With pride: especially for a lifelong poetic work. Mr.
Cohen also acquires the right to be called The Poet forever.