
       Hrabal wrote about me. About fading - what attacks a man:
who knows rudely colourfully to much. But there somewhere in the
Czech Republic:   it was Han¯a who picked out a french newspaper
- still warm from waste disposal - and read aloud:  to the smart
deaf faces of travelers.      And he was taking a bath in yellow
un-sights - with delight. With humble pleasure - he enjoyed this
disregard - because people like to look into the space    - with
thorough interest - when the boy flaunt much.
      It is immodest - to know. It is so arrogant       - to not
specialize to own grinded mediocrity. It is impertinent      and
unworthy to not write only the toasts.

      Yes, and so it will be:       Because I am smug and I show
myself very much: and: I somehow deceive and cheat certainly   -
after all - it is not possible: for one person to do this:   and
not to want a lot of money and holidays abroad: see how he wants
to circumvent the rules rudely...   so the world will look at me
and I won't be at all: and: I'm not:    and You: who I love you:
you don't see me either: you'd rather pretend I'm not   and so I
won't be .. and actually I don´t want to be ..     but I want to
love you: it's too beautiful: to meet the fate like this: but if
you don't love me: fuck the world: I just want only you love me:
I fuck the other people: I don't care about them:     I know too
much what they want: I dont trust them:    I dont trust anybody:
I don't want to carry any fucking message: or what:   there were
too many such miserables here

      Yes, I'm a little boring, I'm sorry Honey :-) It's because
you don't want to talk to me:    so this is how I talk to myself
I'll probably be quiet already

      (Sorry Honey: one more thing: Besides wanting to love you:
I want to flaunt myself: I hope that one day:    I'll be so huge
and so good: that:      those rich established academic fuckers:
which comes here to stare secretly:  the envy will tear up their
to pieces ;-)
