
       Today is 22.3.2012 and the truth is:   that:
I know what I want. This is poetry all around here.
I write it and draw it myself:       fuck it: if I
sounds immodestly: I have in the cunt:        like
Bowhead whale* - I'm free.
       Need to thank: thank you:      the academic
silence:  anda: artsy mist that is floating around
me: I mean it honestly.
       Because I'm a mild man:      loving and shy
narcissus: I also have a huge frightened ego and I
would definitely not find the strength in me   - I
wouldn't say no:     if they were offering me some
money for my acne face: or:   they would flattered
me to pink: I wouldn't resist that: no:    if they
promised me sweet appreciation        and military
honors. ( Maybe: after some time:   there are only
half-true out there:)
       Here:      I can lovely interpret my simple
truth as it is         - and especially naturally:
directly and

       *Guess it's my idea            - I am often
persecuted by this author's Déjá Vu: "Have I heard
that before? But no! Or yes?      Didn't I read it
somewhere?!" - Now it's a whale:  so if it already
came to mind of someone:  I fully sign it: if not:
it is mine and I'm proclaiming it proudly! Who can
have more: in the cunt** - than the Bowhead Whale:

       **In Slovak - Very grossly metaphorical and
bizarrely illogical:    description of indifferent
disinterest - something like: fuck it    - I don't
carre ..
