Intro.. Draw... Poems.. I'm not at Facebook - because there - in the middle - alongside main bar - flows too much fast stream of soapy snots and tender shit, I am dismay. Realy - I tried it - several times and responsibly resolute to integrate and make a career - but very soon it stopped enjoy me everytime - to empty into this quick wash and wait when some other excitated laxative find it - and pin on it his original brown ribbon. Mostly I didn't find it the next day and realy is it importent for me - that this my little shit stay forever. That's how I deprived myself of thousand 'views' and 'like' from real literary star which there somewhere float - I could also to publish there the photographes of my jellylike face - give to admire - how much I love my babies at vacation - where we amply besausaged together with my wife into the savoury red - and at all - how I am friendly - and how humorously I know to wish feast and originally to share mine personal unusualness, oh I am old and out Back... Along.. More...