
       Especially because I love my wife: it's strange -
love exists. She would have to be there   (and she was a
couple of times)  only if it would happen quickly:    in
one evening - event by event: speeches: laughter: music:
dance: alcohol: cigarettes: touches   and she would must
to have a pretty face - instantly     - at first my wild
       Other physical assumptions:    such as a balanced
form: and: beautiful ends of the legs and hands:    are:
important:  but still secondary.    She would have to be
passive    - like most shy introverts: I am afraid women
who are too initiative: it's mainly because: I'm greedy: 
and: in no way:  I let will be deprived of my privilege:
which: as a male: I have since the early days - which my
dear Mother Nature has granted me          - namely: the
privilege: to court.  This word: to court: is otherwise:
the most beautiful and colorful and the most shaken  and
the most comprehensive:   of all the words I know and so
it is understandable: that: I will not have it stolen by
some diligent female:    without respect for the ancient
laws of war.
       Bright: sarcastic: with a sense of cruel backhand
- sparkling insult - for me really and quite bizarrely -
establishes a state of sexual arousal.  It would have to
flood me completely - the most reactive chemistry   - so
that I don’t remember : the woman:     who stole my soul
long ago yet.

       Maybe there are only half-true out there:
