
       Today is 23.12.2010 and the truth is  that
my dad really deprived me about lot of money -  I
don't understand quite how it happened     - this
terrible millions are too abstract.  My Daddy, he
loved me, yes?.     He drew pictures of Kawasaki: 
and: horses       and we were making a balsa ship
together and guarded the Racecourse: together and
on the street him - around town  - anyone saluted
that "Shpiro" hey!     - and brought me cars from
Switzerland, which my grandmother     - from pure
hatred with him - hid on the attic         - so I
wouldn't destroy them.
       Daddy: with whom we took pictures  all day
without a film,        because he loved me and he
couldn't tell me there were only two shots.  What
a pictures it would be from that day:     totally
unnecessary and blurred, godlike    - BETAL - all
from below to uphill.
       My Daddy,   who took me to the television,
there were scary glass photocell doors for    and
fast lift, I kicked Grantner's drum    - and then
everyone was yelling at me,    and I was offended
because I was just high of cola    and of Russian
egg, actually from half only -    now it seems to
me - my father was a crook       - even that time
(Daddy is a crook - my uncle said         - and I
defied: he isn't) he didn't let me eat it all   -
and actually the Russian egg  - our Sunday caviar
of that time  - it's all a nasty scam  - greenish
HALF (so I had only a quarter ?!)     of egg plus
three balls of peas        - a little soiled with
mayonnaise - gosh! - I want to cry of self-pity.
       But well, it was supposed to be like this,
the thread of my destiny has long been spun,  one
day we all get drunk together      - we never got
drunk together    - there will be Odin and Kronos
and Uranus with us too.
