Intro..                                                                       ...Back
Draw...                                                                       ..Along
Poems..                                                                       ...More

       She ran away from hell.
       And as punishment: she had to leave her voice there.
       It didn't matter: she was white and beautiful: until recently: she was chasing
lost souls with other devils: and Martin would swear: they would come for her soon  -
so far no horse has scared him so much.
       It is true - he was afraid of them all - he has always been sick: only when he
smelled the horse's scent: but now:     he would give anything for the opportunity to
spend the night elsewhere.
       According to the reeve: she went wild:  because: they kept her on the ship for
a long time. At first: she was quiet - she calmly let herself be brought to the fence
- apart from this her absolute silence - there was nothing strange about her.   Maybe
only a strong smell of fish: wich spread around her. 
       But ever since: she was released in the corral: no one could say:       what a
stench comes from her: no one would get that close.
       Martin would guess: it could be the smell of sulfur first:    but who knows ..
she was raging the most: when they was giving her water - the splash -      threw her
high into the air: and she was benting so terribly: that: only a little more: and her
back would burst. Martin hoped: it will happen - this would help:    this would
convince everyone - if the seven demons flew out from her body:    with which she was
possessed dfor sure.
       But the scariest thing was: that: she didn't neigh or snort at all:     that's
mainly: why she couldn't be from this world. It seemed to Martin: that:      also her
hooves sounds kind of muffled: as from deep ash around.
       Definitely: the worst night of his life was waiting for him: and: in a moment:
he will have to enter: he's standing here too long already -
       Come on: his father said: and touching him gently on back.
       It pained.
       Martin's father was tall charming man. Very tall - a few years ago:   when his
son could to stand up on his shoes: and grab his pants: he seemed even sky-high: and:
he smiled broadly from uphill - as the ruler of the whole world.        And even now:
although: his stomach grew since then: and his mustache turned yellow:  he could soon
make a big sky anywhere with himself in the middle: and with anyone    - whom he just
wanted to have there. He was able to convince everyone quickly: that:    he is great:
and that: all will be great  - especially in this: he was completely like a wizard  -
knew how to predict the most beautiful future: and to use all magical colors:   which
have come to life again and again in his presence: and there would be no end: if only
talking was enough..
       He saw himself as a refined merchant with everything: what can be sold: and he
never doubted his judgment: it was never seen on him - although lately his good deals
pushed him a bit against the wall.   Several his maecenases sent enforcers instead of
themself.     They must have been very well aware: if they would come in person: they
again would leave with wide eyes: and with a great feeling:    but: as the last time: 
without their money.
        This is how most of the furniture was lost from the rooms:   all young horses
disappeared from the stables: the cows: and then pigs   - and this is how Martin lost
his long woolly Guinea pigs: which father brought him from the royal market.
      However: he would certainly forgive his father for this - he would be sorry for
a while: it is possible: that he could not forget for a long time:   but over time he
would understand: that:    his father lives constantly under the influence of his own
divination art: and therefore such things happen to him - after all: he himself lived
almost constantly in this pearl dream of wealth:  about long journeys beyond the sea:
and about everything beautiful: what awaits only here: a little further.
        But Martin was afraid.

        He was very scared.    And his father apparently refused to take note of this
        He didn't realize: how bad all those nights were:   like his son had to fight
every time: so that he does not flee away: and thanks to what:  he has always endured
so far.
        It got worse and worse. Sometimes Martin felt real hatred.    When he saw the
speed by which disappears everything: what he earns: and when he remembered: that his
hair had almost turned gray - he wanted to bite.
        The distance: which grew between father and son: slowly turned into an abyss:
the father had to talk more and more about: how beautiful everything would be:    and
that: this would not last long    - if he would not immediately forget the bad things
- if he would not so thoroughly carefree: maybe he would figured it out in time:  why
is that so.
        And maybe not  - because the fear: which Martin felt: was really obscure - it
did not fit in any way to the gift:    which supposedly came from transparent beings:
and Martin got it: when he was three years old.
        He didn't understand it either: it was all one big mystery: simply:    he was
afraid of horses terrible: but they:  on the contrary: felt something reassuring from
him - something attracted them to him: and only one night was enough: and:   even the
wildest stallion became a tame foal in his presence.
        Maybe: he was most afraid of his gift - it would be possible:      people are
always afraid of things: they don't understand        - maybe it really was like in a
vicious circle: anyway - it didn't matter so much now       - now Martin stood in the
corral: and had to face his fear. His father's footsteps was receding behind him: the
warden and assistants walked away shortly before: and:  the sun was also about to set
as soon as possible.
        The last light from a thin orange bow:      which was disappearing behind the
western mountains: colored the Snow storm to fieryly.  She looked so beautiful: as if
she was going to shine all night instead of the sun:     and the gallop scattered her
mane and tail next to: like rays.
        Martin was standing by the trough: thinking that: if the moonlit night falls:
he will at least see: where the mare is: and what she does: it won't be so bad:    as
when he hear only stomping and neighing everywhere. He looked around at the sky:  and
found the moon: it was holding twilight under its white fingernail:   and its crooked
smile soothed Martin a little.
        The worst was still waiting for him: but he had already entered:       and it
occurred to him for the first time: that he might survive it again  - as many times -
since the day it all started.
        Back then: he sat behind the house on the grass: he twitched dandelions:  and
pretended not to eat locusts - and suddenly - he disappeared.       It was quite as a
magic. His mother often told him about it: while she was still alive.   Allegedly she
just turned her back to the window: to take the green thread from the closet:     and
when she looked outside again: Martin was gone    - only rolled stalks remained after
        Some people then talked: that: he was abducted by fairies   - others claimed:
that it was the work of a witch - but maybe he just wandered:          he ran after a
butterfly or a lizard: and suddenly didn't know where he was.
        One way or another: in the morning: he was found in a neighboring settlement:
and for a three-year-old child it was a very long walk ..  He lay there with his eyes
open in the middle of the corral - from a distance: he looked like a dead man:    and
eleven horses slept around him.
        The closest to him was brown stallion "Sugar":  he was warming him completely
with his back: which was really very very strange: because Sugar was a terrible beast
- he hated children: he gnawed and tried to kick at every opportunity.    He was also
responsible for enjuries several foreign foals: and he also maimed a few dogs    - in
one word: it was very impossible:  to touch him like this:   and don't end up without
an ugly bruise: or a broken leg.
        And that was not all: since then: he has become an exemplary peaceful animal:
he has never raged: and in fact: to this day: he did nothing wrong.
        Sometimes the things appeared in Martin's head:  which probably came from the
times:   when his soul was still awakening:   and if they was not memories of dreams: 
they could have been snippets from that first night.
        Otherwise: he didn't remember anything specific: he believed too: he had been
kidnapped by the fairies Orenel  - guardian of horses and riders on the road    - and
whenever he had to spend the night somewhere in the corral: he was doing exactly what
he thought had happened even then.
       He always followed the same ritual - so now: as soon as it got completely dark
and made self sure: that Snow storm is quite far behind: he walked towards the center
of the corral by a quick boyish step: and quietly:     so as not to irritate her very
       Of course:´that she immediately got wild: and started throwing like crazy    -
thin moon shone really bright today. With all his mind:   Martin tried to ignore her:
focused on the approaching pile of straw: which was prepared there for him.
       This was the hardest of all - close to the straw:     he was almost completely
crouched - and he didn't even know how - and he was already buried up to his neck.
       All the possible stars shone in the sky.   
       He closed his eyes and began to breathe deeply:      to fall asleep as soon as
       Snow storm was maddening silently on her cursed hooves:    and at one terrible
moment she ran: and flew high above the place: where he lay.  But this was what could
fast get her into his power: and as he was falling asleep: maybe:    there was only a
faster trot around.
       When he woke up: tiny drops of night rain fell on his face.  And something was
       Except that: it was supposed to be morning:  and next to him should lay a warm
white mare: there was something else - something:       which must have happened just
before half second.
       There was no Snow storm next to: and further too  — he didn't even hear her at
first. While he exhaling through his half-open mouth: he heard nothing at all.
       Then a cold female voice came out of the darkness: and along with it   - faint
echo of horse hooves. It was like a tethered horse marching in place:      and Martin
heard it from the very right.
       Krabestet - said the voice again: now Martin heard it clearly - the letter "r"
was pulling for a long time: and the last "t" remained alone at the end       - so it
sounded like "krrrrabeste-T" - and the hooves of mare sounded louder.
       After two quick breaths: right next to Martin's straw bed: a skinny woman in a
simple dark cloak emerged from the night.
       If she knew about him: she ignored him: she went on       - her right hand was
clenched at the fist - and in the left: hidden behind her back:      she held a long:
narrow knife.
       Martin knew right away what was going on. It wasn't very difficult    - and at
the same time he realized - it can't be that way.     No one would believe him in the
morning. It could cost him his life - the horses were sacred animals.
       The fear: which had previously paralyzed him: now pushed him:   he rose on his
elbows: and shot like an arrow towards the trough.
       He couldn't see how quickly the woman turned: and how wildly she looked at him
- and that was good.
       He couldn't even see: that she raised her hand with the knife:  and ran to the
corner: where bewitched Storm was tossing like dying fish.
       He turned: only when he put his hands in the water:  and splashed twice loudly
- only then: he saw a white mare: which gallops towards him: and a dark:      slender
figure: running after her: almost as fast.
       It was one of those moments - when we're flying.  Everything is like on wings.
Martin has already experienced something like this  - he was chased by the neighbor's
dogs: and he flew to the roof of the hayloft: just like some free bird: and he didn't
lose a single apple from his shirt.
       He crouched a little: he focused on the fluttering mane:   what was flickering
between Storm's ears and on her neck - bounced     - he dug his nails into the greasy
white hair: and he sprang on her back - or rather   - she miraculously sat him on her
nape: and then: she jumped over the high spruce corral with him.
       It took a very long time: until Martin gathered enough courage:        to look
behind him - only the darkness of the forest haunted them.   When they stopped at the
northern corner of the enclosure: a few steps from where:    they had left it behind:
his fingers were completely bloodless: and didn't feel his groins at all.
       At that time: the birds began to sound.
       Martin slid to the ground: and immediately fell asleep deeply -     who knows:
maybe he slept already a moment before.
       Roar did not wake him: not even the shaking.  - and even when his father came:
it could not be said:  that he began to watch    - although his eyes was opened for a
       Only when father wanted to borrow a wagon from the reeve: he looked up:    and
said: that it is not necessary. He stood up: and asked to help into the saddle.
       For a moment: everyone looked at him in disbelief:   and no one said anything:
then: his father carefully mounted him on their last old Chestnut:    slowly sat down
behind him: and all three stepped forward on the road slowly.
       Storm grazed thoroughly on a green piece of weed among the tall maples:    and
pieces of sun flamed on her again.
       Finally you're a man - said father stroking Martin's hair - How on earth could
the Storm jump through so high fence?   
       A strong wind blew: what whizzes in the ears:  and throws into the mouth. 
       I don't even know: as if we had wings - said Martin and suddenly felt:   that:
he is the winner.
       At home in the yard: he dismounted: and walked quietly behind the barn. Father
stuffed his pipe: sat on the bench: and smoked contentedly:    and he would certainly
fall asleep after a while: with a pipe on his knees: as old men use to do it:   if he
wasn't disturbed by a turmoil: and if his distant cousin did not suddenly appear.
       He was as red as wine: and blabbered: that Sugar had become wild again.
       He kicked the door to the stable: threw down the old mother: and:  disappeared
into the grove. But it wouldn't matter so much - it was an old hack anyway:      but:
also other horses are raving from the morning: especially those from his blood:  they
are rioting like a hundred infants of devil: let no one to come near.
       Martin's father said - let's go - and they both went up behind the barn.
       Then they looked through the stables together: the piggery and silage pits   -
later they raked apricot orchard - in the end: they thoroughly searched the haystacks
and: for a long time: they shouted into the forest.
       But they didn't find Martin.
       He disappeared.
       It was quite as a magic.