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        At first it seemed very strange to me only: later: when I had to look at it:
again and again: cold sweat began to pour me in places   - when my dioptric eyesight
(constantly and persistently) refused to overlook it - and finally  - the conviction
already woke me up at night openly: that: my mind must be broken:    because: only I
alone can see these monsters:    these expensive girls with an inflated rubber face:
with snow-horse teeth and raised eyebrows: in constant astonishment (: It's me - who
made of me this gargoyle?: Really?!)
        The first class actress.    She regularly take top places in the rankings of
the most beautiful grannies in their thirties      - and appears in costly expensive
movies all year round - so we can still see her .. of course! .. that's what this is
all about!
        Enormous money has to be spin: in this plastic cosmetic and dental business!
- it's them: who pay for it - these boys: they are showing modestly:    to all those
beautiful expensive rich and silly girls over 25:   what a mature beauty should look
like :like beach inflatable with a palm: chop chop: Heavenly Plastick Surgery      -
welcome young lady       - you will want sausage or the caoutchouc face plus unicorn
teeth ..?

        In addition: my son Jakub recently clarified the strange matter for me     -
with fully round artificial boobs - it is possible: that: I did not understand it so
far mainly: because: I'm just cutely naive: because now: it's very clear to me:    I
based on mistake: that: something like a fake bust: it must be kept secret: you must
spend all possible resources on it: poison the surgeon: or:     eradicate the clinic
with a submachine gun.
        Even a little: I didn't realize: that:  just like a guy will buy a big heavy
watch: for all similar blockheads to see - so does the chick: she'll proudly buy two
spherical tumors: because it costs money: and: it can be seen from afar.