
       I  have to admit with regret: that: I am not a
totally pure scientific materialist. Not.         My:
considerably hysterical: self-centered thinking    is
not always critical enough:   but to defend it I add:
my judgment it affects in the majority.
       Specifically:  it is moving in the ratio of 60
to 40: or: 70 to 30 in its favor     - and against my
retrogressive tendency to believe in a kind of my own
religion.     This religion: is based on rather cruel
discipline: over which is watching:       what can be
called The Space: but:  it's not the exact name:    I
don't have the exact name of this yet:           this
all-over-me-supervising principle.    The Space in my
life is precise to the smallest detail         - fair
business-man  - his universal constant is the balance
between the two forces:   "You got a" and "You should
Pay". Then there is the equivalent:       Do not mark
because you will be marked, respectively:  If you hit
- wait for the punch.   ( Me: The Space of 13.2.2021:
caress the hair of this:       naively egocentric boy
       I'll try to summarize it: so that:    my heart
that was forever enchanted by science:  by evolution: 
and:     pure poetry of the facts-bricked hypotheses:
so that my heart:   in love with the unobvious truth:
which scents from Newton's second law of motion:   so
that my heart suffers as little injury as possible:
       I realize: that:   there are definitely forces
that are far and far more vast: than: I am:       Me:
a little man: somewhere from the Sol system: and if I
try to go against them:      they will take me to the
place: I don't want to go - fatal and mysterious.
       It's time to admit color and say aloud     - I
only paid for what I bought, Father.
       I verify and accept.
       And one more thing:       on all the stubborn:
nor one question allowing: happy:         critical or 
nlightened no-doubters         - I never liked: that:
they are extremists.
