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       Today is 25.06.2011 and the truth is: that: as far as yawning is concerned - the informations
are unclear - no one knows what exactly: this predatory muzzle opening is:    uncontrollable urge to
move teeth away: as far apart as possible: to stretch the grooves on the lips to completely white  -
and all attempts to camouflage it: ends in embarrassing failure.
       Especially finer women: they tend to push their jaws together obstinately: and under the tiny
hands hiding: the still sweetly looming slits - indeed: you can't    - you can barely wrap the teeth
with your lips: sweetheart - it is simply very bodily: and therefore very real:      even the honest
tears are pouring in your eyes!
       Certainly it is mainly related to fatigue: it is obvious:  that we most often indulge in this
involuntary pleasure: when we don't feel fresh - it comes suddenly - the brain:          by this act
allegedly: demonstrates on the outside his hunger for oxygen: provokes a deeper breath:     and thus
gets to it faster.
       But I yawn: also when I'm moved: and this is the first mystery  - why my brain craves oxygen:
when I: and my friends confess the love each other: when we talk to each other:    how great we are:
how it is inevitable: that we have become friends: or lovers:  why I yawn and wipe my heart's tears?
:I have no idea.
       The second mystery is:  a really shocking takingness:     which can always be observed near a
sincere yawning one - and I ask: feel infected brains: really honest lack of oxygen?     - this fast
mirroring: can be considered the emotion arising from togetherness to the bored: or drowsy person?
       Or why?
       But: by far the most mysterious is: the so-called virulence of Uoaa: as:         honestly and
modestly: I allowed to name the quality: by which may be endowed the certain loud types of yawning -
it's the immediate ability to cause yawning around-existing mouths: just by the very sound of "Uoaa"
:which accompanies yawning - without visualization of the triggering mouth.
       The individual "Uoaa": are virulent unequally: also within an individual: and thus:      in a
series of several yawns in succession: the "Uoaa" may occur extremely virulent:      and vice versa:
virulent only a little.