
       People slander: because it's pleasant ..
       :This is usually done by meeting two or three people:
a few jokes are made   - waiting for the opportunity shortly
- someone walks by:      a common eloquent view will emerge:
or: the opportunity will found: when one of the participants
can no longer endure:    and must show accumulated emotions:
or: cheerful experience: irritating gossip:     or: possibly
ticklish decorated:          actually a complete fabrication
- everything according to the imagination and quality of the
personalities        - who found themselves together in this
       It's nice then. For a while:       such human heat is
created. Laughter: which is storming:     is a unifying rain
 what unites us for a moment in the warm conspiracy:   which
borders on hot friendship.     For a moment: we will forget:
that: it's all just a beautiful mirage:  when we're laughing
at that poor man: which shouldn't have been a dick:     and:
should have been there with us together..
