
       I came across a dream record recently   -
I like to write down strong nightly experiences:
I don't have many of them.   I dreamed of a man:
he said a prophecy: or:      rather a curse (the
highest form of living poetry  - is a functional
curse):  I'm supposed to kill all my friends: if
I want to do something mysterious - he whispered
it between the yellow bloody teeth:  when he was
slowly dying after his murder
       I did it.
       When I don't know: exactly when the thing
happened - I have a feeling:  that was ten years
ago - I have this sense of drama ...      so ten
years ago I dreamed of this   - and if I had any
friends then - probably yes   - at least two: so
now: they're gone.
       Did I do it?
       In pedantic science:      what deals with
written words:          an essential category is
inexcusably missing.
