
       Today is 30.04.2011 and the truth is: that:
even though I look:   - as the boss of all liberal
free-smiling freethinkers     - I almost shit from
fear: when: in one warm May night:           I had
passionate dream: in which I took hard with a guy.
       I said to myself: and here it is  - instead
of white delicate skin:  I'm going to have to look
for a pair of hairy legs today.
       Fuck! - What am I going to do?!
       The worst thing was: that:    everything in
that dream took place quite naturally: even with a
certain spooky dose of acrobatics: as if:   sin to
think about it at all:  I did not devote myself to
such violent pleasure for the first time.   I will
not exaggerate: when I say:     that: the graceful
routine of certain movements:  which we: me and my
lover: by the way:  my friend's husband: made each
other happy:  a person acquires only after several
years of mutual contact.
       And if only it:    I woke up in love in the
morning!      That was really a reason to think at
       But in the end:  it was not forbidden love.
The whole thing:       when I secretly sighed from
desire:   for large rough palms: did not last even
two days - actually as always: my brain: from time
to time:   will give me such a dream with a woman:
who is for me:  for some reason unattainable - and
always with that woman: then:    for a short time:
I'll fall in love very much:    and: long for wild
sex with her   - just that this time: the ruler of
my shapeless skull decided to make me a party with
a guy (I'm fascinated by his immense power) - that
let the boy think a little:           whether this
conventional path: by smooth rails: in fact should
not lead to:        instead of the Mount of Venus:
somewhere completely scary: elsewhere.
