Intro.. ...Back Draw... ..Along Poems.. ...More Then I stopped perceiving the screen. I was completely overwhelmed by excitement: or rather nervousness - I was simply not sure: because there was still the possibility: that he doesn't realize it. But my body had no doubts - it felt clearly: that something intimate was happening and behaved accordingly: It warmed, arched my chest, got my blood pumping: and roused in me some instinctive anticipation that quickly turned all my attention to the right. I know: that one must be very careful: as far as the body is concerned: and about its guaranteed feelings - my classmate once trained me in this direction: her name was Anna and it very bit me on my cheek. That's why I didn't even move and tried not to listen. But to put my foot away: and thus end the whole thing: I also couldn't. Probably because: it flattered me - her interest - and I didn't mean to offend her: I don't know: maybe I was just reluctant to throw away chance for a little adventure. Anyway: there must have been something in the darkness between us - with each passing second I was more convinced of it. People don't behave like this - they pull away: dodge: they get an electric shock and recoil. She did't. I could clearly feel her moving her toes - she closed them and opened them again and since we were both there with someone it was even more intense. II perceived her blurred: her legs a little apart: hand with pale fingers and small shiny watch - time was running. Maya took a deeper breath next to me at times: Nicolas Cage's sad face disappeared smoothly from the shot: and my curiosity suddenly boiled over - I realized: that I was just waiting for an opportunity: or let's say a sign - and when Maja laughed out loud: and in a moment the others in the theater: I suppressed my usual urge: to look at her: and watch: how she makes that laugh. Instead of that: I turned to the right: and made sure: that I have no idea: who the shaggy brunette is. She could be about twenty years old: she was shaggy deliberately and refinedly - her friend was just whispering something to her: and I knew: that she realized my gaze: because she froze for a second. But even then - she did nothing with our dark connection.We arrived late: quickly sat down in the first two free seats next to each other and tried vehemently to grasp the plot. Originally, we wanted to go to a cafe or a pub for rum tea: but everywhere was full: or the air was disgusting and it was bitterly cold outside. At the bus stop there was an advertisement for a retro film festival and Maja said: let's go to the cinema. It sounded like she was making a gross joke about bears: but she meant it: because she said it out loud. Because she knows very well: that the language she speaks sounds strange at best - and she knows it even though she can't hear herself. Yes: she is deaf. And the fact: that I took her on a date is no charity: I've known her for almost a year - since we met at work - and we really got closer one evening about two months ago: we just both suddenly wanted to go somewhere together. Nikolas Cage took a breath: and began to say something: it was obvious: he cared about it: but I didn't understand him at all. The friend of my fluffy stranger stood up - I joined my legs and put them aside: so he can pass. Then it was interrupted: and whereas some fright: or what remained in me: and I had no desire to take any more risks: I let it go. Later I realized: that: in the moment: when I turned in their direction: the guy wasn't looking at her. With his round wet eye: which protruded from behind her white profile: he was watching me. For hundred percent: he was encouraging her. Who knows: what would happen next: if I realized it right away - we could have fun together - but on the other hand: they were probably interested in both of us: and this wouldn't work.. All I know about Maya's sex life is: that she has a nice ass and two small tits.
I took her home after the movie: she didn't call me upstairs: it was too late: and I didn't even want to go to that quiet apartment. I was kind of mixed and tired: and at night I dreamed wildly from it twice. As usual - circumstances was evolving towards the intercourse - I was looking for some women: and when I found one: it was Anna: my former goddess: I took her to the park: I attacked: and I was really busy: when she changed into Maya: who had: god knows why: scribbled hands up to the elbow: and everything was irrevocably fucked up. By the way: my brain always does this to me - it will never indulge me. When I consider: what unlimited possibilities does it have: how much it remembers: what it hides inside: and what stupid ragbags it makes of it: so I want to scream. Often I can't even recall the face of a person from my past: but inside of its 3D cinema is perfect projection - in the original package - and when it is in a good mood: everything takes place in rooms and streets: that have not existed for many years. The fucking phenomenon. But it never lets me finish things. The whole next day - I was in love with Anna again - if I met her somewhere on the street: or in store: just like the last time: I would probably try to pack her again: maybe I'd attack her right somewhere behind the shelves. Hard to say: what would really happen: because if I dream of a particular woman: I always long for her in the morning: and I really don't know: if it only happens to me: because the answers of my acquaintances are unconvincing. They nod and smile: but I suspect them: that they really don't feel anything like that. It's like a hunger in me: I won't lie - mainly physical - and precisely oriented to one person. Several times: I dreamed about a beautiful singer: and I always bought a lot of popular music afterwards. And to be honest: two or three times: I've larked with man too. In the morning: it was to my great dismay: just as always - and I honestly wanted husband of my friend. Omitting this last alternative: in my opinion: it would have to be most divine to have long sex with a woman: with whom: I had dreamed the night before. But this has not happened to me yet: and when I think about it: it's probably somehow out of the question - in my sleep I am visited particularly by women: who are out of reach for me.
I didn't come across Anna all day: although I bought vegetables for a really long time: and I walked around the block twice: where she lives. Truth: she's already married: and would definitely cool me off in a flash: as soon as I opened my mouth: my night-current engine wouldn't help me either. I didn't really want to go to work in the evening: coffee didn't work: I couldn't start my body at all: in the end: I nudged myself out: and there: the cold breeze woke me up. At school: I met Maya on the stairs: as usual - she cleans the locker room: and the ground floor: and I: the first floor and cabinets. Together with the janitor's wife: and one of her cousins Marta: we're the blitz cleaning squad there. Maya smiled at me: waved to me and walked away briskly. She was just disappearing around the corner: when I noticed her solid thigh underneath sweatpants: strange: how innocently the mess always starts. She didn't want to go anywhere after work: she had a red nose and coughed: the flu season was still hunting around: so I didn't insist. Actually: thanks to the flu: we started meet also outside the corridors: classrooms and stairs. We still fly there like two mop dragons - smiles: her wave and my hello. Sweet: quiet and polite girl. If I didn't know it (people always like to tell you such things) I think: I would have been properly surprised: that day when I heard her voice for the first time. Well: even more so: because my eyes rolled a little too: when she gave me that loud gabble from behind. I just wiped the wall bars off the dust: because our supreme ruler Joseph asked us: whether we could clean up the gym - young janitor lady and even fat Marta: were supposedly completely finished (every single hair on their heads burned them from the fever). I turned around like I'd been shot in the ass and froze: I didn't understand - Maya repeated it laboriously: I saw: that it spoils her mood: but for one moment more: I had to catch those words out of her mouth. Oh: I said and I was really pleased - I understood: that she found something in the: girls' toilets. I took a white plastic bag from her hands: grabbed it by the ear and let it down - inside was a thin plastic snake with really strong-smelling weed. Like in the movie. During the war I smoked a few funny cigarettes - it definitely looked like a nice foggy party is comming: I didn't even think of another option: but I was a little scared: whether Maya will misinterpret it. Where do we go? - I asked - and she could feel from my tone: that I don't mean it really seriously - hence if she could. Have you ever smoked it? - I carefully modeled every single word with my lips: and I watched her face. She still looked like a kind flight attendant: I didn't take her out of the smile at all: rather she: then shocked me: when: after my two failed attempts to roll the joint: she took the papers and showed me the complete assembly with perfect thumbs work - with a long not too wet tongue and a hard round cigarette at the end. Adorable one.
We sat in the corner of the playground: behind the bushes: next to the basketball hoop. It was cold: but it didn't blow: and the smoke was served. The best smoking is in the fall: maybe it somehow corresponds with the browning leaves: or it's just fine have your own fire on hand. It's really hard not to smoke in the fall: especially if you remember: how divine it was at seventeen: in a shirt: and in your denim jacket - light up - and to go take the world that was there for you.. .. And that's how I babbled: after the third pull. Usually I just meditate of such serious things (we came across an extra strong ganja). There was not much light there: I doubt: that Maja understood some of it: but when I said - it's a pity: that it's such a idiotic vice - and I let out a little air out of my nose: by which I wanted to indicate instead of a dot: what an irony it is - she began to laugh out loud. Extremely feminine and truly beautifully. There was no trace of the bear's speech in it. And that was another shock to me. I watched: as it came straight out of her throat - lovely - inside with silver chime and with some wacky flutes - a hell of a contagious sound. In a moment: it started to shake with me too: it began to flow from my eyes and nose - I was banging my knees and clutching my stomach - and so - we went through all the great stages of a crazy horselaugh together.