
       What do you think? :it's a pretty good and profitable scam:
to create the impression: that:  without the money from the state:
or:  from some rich: simple people:         without the support of
trusting gentlemen:   who cares only about numbers     - would the
original creation and culture and such great literature: and:  art
       For example: good men of the pen   - they are doing great -
they print between themself:  fragrant sparse shit: what even they
can't read: at the right moment: they'll scare everyone: how would
it be without culture?!           Oh, God: it would be so terribly
uncultural! And then: pretty much go to work: everyday:     secure
place: warm money: coffee.
       This morning: I took another word out from context:    as I
often do with pleasure: to this word  - The Institutionalization -
as usual I not quite understood: and: on that basis:  I use it now
as a word to the point: The Institutionalization is as unfortunate
for art as it is for faith: because:       it opens the door to an
average ambitious swindlers.
