Intro.. Letná noc prežratá od molí The summer night - eaten by moths Draw... dierkami na okná mrholí through the holes - drizzling on windows Poems.. z mesiaca ostali tri hlty remained three bites from the moon 2009... kto je tu najviacej šibnutý? who is most wacky here? 2019... Obvykle nemávam chovanie I usually don't have the manners v šatách ťa ponáram do vane I use to put you to the bath with dress a potom voňavo uniknem and then I'll fragrant slip away malinkým okienkom v bublinke by tiny window in a bubble Keby si ma ráno nenašla If you didn't find me this morning začala hra čo si vynašla the game you invented started already nebude ľahké ma zavetriť it will not be easy to scent me out schovám sa v záhrade za rebrík I'll hide in the garden behind the ladder A keď sa obloha odváži And when the sky dares hovoriť so slnkom o daždi to talk with sun about rain čakám ťa pod mostom bez svetra I'm waiting for you under bridge without a sweater pôjdeme oblakmi do vetra we'll go through the clouds into the wind Osud má s bláznami zlý zámer Fate has bad intentions with fools v budúcom živote pykáme in the next life we'll pay for ja budem šibnutý kormorán I will be a crazy cormorant šľahnem sa oblúkom do mora I'll toss myself into the sea by arc Ty budeš húf lesklých sardiniek You'll be a bunch of shiny sardines v bujarých vlnách ťa zradí smiech the laughter will betray you in sprightly waves budeš sa trhať a rehotať you'll tear and laugh thunderously môžem ťa naveky prehĺtať I can swallow you forever Nesmieš sa dať ničím otráviť You must not be poisoned by anything pamätáš na náš skok do trávy do you remember our jump into the grass? nebol to teda moc triezvy skok it wasn't a very sober leap zabudla si po ňom priezvisko you forgot your last name afterwards Ale vieš chvíľu sme leteli But you know we flew for a while Back... a boli sme úplne spletení and we were entangled totally Along.. rozum má udreté orgány The reason has hitted organs More... lepšie je nezostať normálny it is better - don't to remain normal