Intro.. Anička Dušička kde si bola Anička Dušička where you were Draw... keď si si čižmičky zarosila when you bedewed your boots Poems.. Bola som v hájičku - žala som trávičku :I was in the grove - I was mowing the grass: Duša moja Duša moja My soul My soul A ja som po tri dni trávu kosil And I mowed the grass for three days - ja som si čižmičky nezarosil - I didn't bedew my boots A ja som hrabala - teba som čakala :And I was raking - I was waiting for you: Duša moja Duša moja My soul My soul V zelenom hájičku tráva rastie In the green grove grass grows a cez ňu prerastá čierne chrastie and through it grows a black deadwood Anička maličká bolí ma dušička Anička little girl my soul hurting Duša moja Duša moja My soul My soul Na moju hlavičku rosa padá Dew falls on my head Back... - že ty ma Anička nemáš rada - that you don't love me: Anička Along.. V zelenom hájičku stratila čižmičku In the green grove she lost her boot More... Duša moja Duša moja My soul My soul