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       As I walk through life: I think: I can boldly say: that: the folk will invent nothing       (let's just 
briefly mention the recent socialism) and behind all the folk creations is only one particular person: to whom
we forgot. Or: he was just so huge: that from a deeply essential magnitude and modesty   - he own had put self
in the background.
      Therefore: today: I'd like to greet     - and shake the hand of the unknown: one particular great man or
woman - who once: long ago: composed Anička Dušička.  So beautiful melody and fine-drawing text: that: I every
time have chills on my back: when I often play her at home on my guitar.
      But I was very irritated - once at the fire - when my co-stokers started to smirk during her first words
      Because folk consider her of some parody - because she seems overused - like Ludvig's Für Elise    - the
snobs laugh her at concerts also. I'd cruelly punish it with two shots after the muzzle.    Nicely to let them
join the line and: smack: smack! Beethoven would certainly be very happy about it.

      Because: only the most perfect: and the most masterful delicacies:         can to withstand such a daily
frequency of feeding - and they go through the ages beautiful: and by time in no way undamaged    - even not a
bit touched.