
Today is the twelfth day since I left Ember 047:
I can't shake the need to log my inner monologues:

Spare is for if: the if is very wealthy

The contradiction between words and deeds is a bit misleading:
words often have the weight of deeds 

I made mistletoe constellation also on Ember 048:
I will do it: wherever I stay longer: for Peter:
to find me: I know: he will look for me

Pieces of her are emerging from me:
urge to write sketchy non-interval diary: 
to play with meanings: to rustle with reeds of language:

The "a" before word vague is like more: an unspecified: un uncertain

Did she know: when developed the work of Andrea Minor:
and taught the skin cells to employ the unused green light - 
did she know the oo-autotrophy will not save the planet already: 
even though the people are back in the Fitzpatrick scale? 
Did she know: the vast majority of them can never let go of the idea: 
that unbridled purchasing is the lovely freedom? 
- I think: she did -
because the life was already mobile through her:

My Master Mother:
There is no wizard more powerful: than the one: 
who masters meiosis:

We attached Ember 050 to the station: 
which remained unused in Uranus orbit after the second Hydron expedition: 
in the warehouse there was a little snowman in the corner:
he had a note pinned to his red scarf:
"This is Edward: the snow heart of Uranus:
treat him with respect: 
he is the oldest snowman in the universe."

This smooth sand from flowers:
which provided fertilization:
maybe it is He always: not it

Perfection - 
state of something without demerits: 
no mistakes and no incompleteness:
no infinity

Fate is a waiting: time shows more distant circles: and
you'll see your place in the great spiral:

No childhood without meiosis:

The time was born of love: 
which father wrote in me somewhere: 
to wait there inside me: 
until He appears: Peter:
who will kindle it in me: 
only when I leave him there: 
so that: I can wait for him:
like those sad snow sculptures:
that forever offer a hug
