
11.12. Belt missionaries landed yesterday: "Pemburian dockers" 
they have returned: but they can never get out again - because of microbes
Doctor: the bilingual cockatoo: made up a small town for them on the moon - where they will live together and test each other: how luck ..
something also fucked there a bit:
they cut themselves off from the net: and: hired heralds among themselves:
the captain was official curses verifier -
they painted yolas and thrushes with blood
- hypnosis - sugar for mice

Weed leaves in the pot shone so brightly as scholarship to the university of Palm Beach
- I couldn't pull them out - I replanted them into a bigger one
- I sold my old aphid honeydew factory: to some nerds: what they want to organize a rally in Saturns' rings: when I tried my old overalls:
long dark hair left on my hand: Alia: I remember those times: when her hair was everywhere -

Today I was in the academy again after a long time:
doctor has built a career on us - he named our 36 milky months: The Vapor Event:
his sociological and behavioral constructions still excite tremendously him the most:
- higher tabloid - psychoanalysis - meta porn
- reconstructed all meetings and events according to thermal records: 
and drew a relationship map - I didn't sign it for him: it's just ours:
and it will stay that way forever

20.2. a crow came to my car: looked at me - she let herself be known: that she is blue in fact: is also possible : that she somehow ripened inside in that fog - or: there are people: to whom you must come closer: 
because: you'll not notice from a distance: how beautiful they are: but that fog: it forced us - no other contact was possible: only intimate
As if she's always been here somewhere: but
it clearly appeared: only when we were distance blind
I felt: that he couldn't help himself:
when she came to me: he couldn't tear himself away from her:
but in those foggy times - even illusions didn't have firm contours:
you stepped back in two steps and could have lived a different life:
we were drinking this my booze: and I wanted him to tell me all this:
"it wasn't foreplay: it was mutual resuscitation -
I completely forgot: that the fusion:  
is just a sweet fake: snared for us by meiosis: 
and then I listened it from her again:
"Yes: I was terribly afraid of him: but then: I was completely consumed by this his: you know: I want to eat you - the whole - for a long time! -
I'll stuff you in my mouth!: but: don't tell him: he's completely obsessed
""I'm a lone galaxy""
he would think: we want to steal him just for ourselves:"

I have CFI syndrome:   
chronic finity intolerance: I'm missing Galactase - an enzyme which regulates the amount of desire for nebulae:
I'm going to ripple a bit - to rustle through the flora:
to roll in orchid lasciviousness - to fan flaming papricas - to scent my gums with peach damask -
I'm a plant nanny -
I'm kissing sassy catkins -
I'm itching sandy stamens -
I'm waiting:
