
1703 the moment I became a plant: I noticed the poetry Andrea was talking about:
concerning the necessity of snail squinting in tall grass:
we have to look at the luster from all different angles: 
like that little diamond dealer: who dissects poor rubies and from dragonfly cockpit: 
watching swifts: as they maroons on tapestries: and
just then sees : that only she can to start the shining eels power plants 

7.7. When I met her on the street in the summer: almost completely naked:
it seemed obscene to me: and her juicy color ..
but I already understand:
most people don't see you at all anyway:
he looked at me: I was always naked:

green: I'm bright in the summer: as if I grew up: so extended: so ready to make love with sun:
and I have two billion more hair
Peter always asked me: how much hair do you have Alia?

as we are Hydrates
my old manicure astride on table
Ivy corridors: wine flies: aphids:
in autumn I seemed to shrink

doctor knew: of course: 
already in the first year: I found a way to fix it:
if I would bypassed burned junctions from the outside: we'd have to stop the ship: and:
then restart the systems: 
the air would be cleared within three days:
but: I didn't find a way to give up the fog:

1311 but you want him to be in love with you: said Andrea -
he will tell you things that will play in your brain forever:
no one can flatter like that bastard:

you are a simple girl Honey: just a few punctuation marks:
the little wrinkle that will appear between your eyes in a moment: 
the questionable exclamation mark:
cheekbones: parentheses full of your ringing laughter
lip plus lip equals kiss
cheek an chin dimples : colons : love you: love you: :


the first curly bracket:
it's me: when I first looked at you: {oh, my naive straightforward body: it unveil me also now} :-* :-)

Wrapped in some Indian dress: when I'm trying to catch up with you:
you're a little hunched over: gestures like an aunt:
walking of an older woman: 
but then you look at me by the face of a girl: and then: 

you smile and laugh: and: wrinkles like firework:
for the first time: I was a little scared of your old face:
but you will drive away any fear quickly: with your big: perfect hands:
and when you start dancing: it is clear: that: yes: you are everything:                                                                         and everywhere

I dreamed again: that I was standing in the woods: and a fire was coming: the edges of the fireplace are freshly gray:
casting of Oberon in the duvets: like broken paving of Lake Ladoga:
shadows measure the way back to the sun:
this restless tension of curves under the light work spacesuit:
