Intro..                                                                             ...Back
Draw...                                                                             ..Along
Poems..                                                                             ...More

       Those twelve peaceful and boring years after I let a certain beautiful blonde amazon
live: I didn't suffer in the least  - they were great ordered months full of balanced life.
       I married an older woman: to whom I came home from work every night.    We discussed
her simple thoughts: we commented political situation and our aging celebrity peers wryly -
and: once in a while: we made silent love in our big white bed: from the gloom: observed by
our common color photographs.
       We didn't fight even once.
       "Wedding killer" :as the imaginative journalists called me: hid in the lamp. 
       Yes: everything has to do with this invention: which appeared sometime in the second
year of my marriage: and just at the time: when I was already looking very lustfully at the
neck of my sweet wife  - it would probably only be a matter of a few days  and I would have
to end our cohabitation forcibly: not of my own will - simply: I had been without blood for
too long.
       But as I say: it didn't happen that way - because my great colleague from the office
described to me with extremely contagious enthusiasm:       how he enters directly into his
dreams every night - all he has to do is lie down and close his eyes - and I was definitely
highly interested - immediately beautiful wedding photos began to flash before my eyes.
       When I was a little boy: of all fairy tales:   I liked the story of Scheherazade the
most: I was fascinated by the enormous power of that monarch:      who was killing thousand
women for three years ritually: and was finally rewarded with the passionate love of one of
them - I secretly imagined myself in his place. Until today: I don't quite understand:  how
something so beautifully sick can be told to children - anyway: the lamp first time greeted
me with a soft purring of ouds: and a spacious: gold decorated interior     - and then many
more times: I found myself in the lobby with a snow-white turban on my head:   and:  like a
godlike sultan and an executioner at the same time:       I carried out my rightful wedding
       Later: when I could save every visit to the lobby and re-enter it:     I rarely went
into the land c. I relived all my weddings over and over again.  :I was abducting my brides
and taking them forever and each time more cruel and slyly.        In those days: they also
started talking about genies as a miraculous artificial intelligence:  which arose directly
from human minds and was going to permanently populate virtual spaces: and it also occurred
to me: that it could be interesting: not being bound by the body     - who knows what would
happen with my dark needs? - but no one in the world would willingly allow the transmission
of my unbridled personality:  and even the smallest glimpse into its contents would mean my
quick and inevitable end.