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       It's very dicey: to go with your skin to market like this:  and hanging your honest
pictures on the wall: and listen embarrassing splashes of average:   and aqusitive people:
who come to express themselves from their cultural inside          - to stand on one's own
vernissage: and as a smart person: probably to realize: that: this businessman  - not only
he has no idea - he doesn't like it from his soul! :but: a long time ago: he evaluated his
routine personality as unusual: and he is very eager to write his disgusting products:  in
the heads of other people: and: above all: he wants to record himself:  as exceptional and
perceptive: in minds of people: whose the society has identified as exceptional        and
perceptive. :And that's how he squelching around.
       It is true: your pictures haven't touched me much Brother - but you touched me: you
have the good soul of poet: as you say: "The original creator    - cannot be threatened by
another original creator.." - and this your whole searching is so honest and right:  and I
envy those children: which had You: as The Luck.
       Ľudovít Hološka