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       Sometime: in the beginning of the hot summer of 2019: I fell in love at first sight:
with a woman in a white dress: who walked around a colorful city: and then: sang and danced
beautifully there barefoot. But inside that first look of mine: would not have been so huge
and untamed life-forming force probably:      if other events had not once crossed my path:
simply: nothing is born just from sea foam: everything has its roots somewhere:   and here:
they are right at the Star cinema: where I first saw Xanadu: with Olivia Newton-John:   and
Gene Kelly.
       I was still a boy: and that story was deeply imprinted in me:     Don't walk away My
Muse: I want to be with you Gold Fish: we will be birds together:     when you kiss me with
your mouth open: that it makes me feel warm: I will play with your glittering hair: love is
a beautiful musical ..
       Then: in a few years: it might have been around half past two in the morning:  as it
often happens: when I'm writing something: I was on night duty in a restaurant by the lake:
a colleague and dog were dozing opposite me: I was reading some book in which:        I was
drawing pictures and violins keys: in the places: I wanted to write down in my notes:   and
just then: I heard that ringing soprano on the radio  - I didn't know: what it is and where
I should put it: Angel!         Immediately a great desire was born in me to listen to that
supernatural being - I would like to swallow those silver bells in your mouth love: kiss me
when you laugh ... you beautiful Indian woman .. sing for me
       And then: almost every day on HBO they showed such a long film from India. There was
a magical song about love: "O Rey Chhori" :I managed to record it on video and I watched it
seven times every day: She .. an Englishwoman fell in love with an Indian .. but he already
loved the beautiful Gauri  - which I then looked for on You Tube: sometime in the beginning
of the hot summer of 2019: when I fell in love at first sight:      with a woman in a white
dress: who was walking around the colorful city: and then sang and danced beautifully there
       Today: after more than three years: I guess no one will doubt: that something happen