
       Dear User.

       Realize that no one asked you to come here
-         you have no rights here, you can't logg
here, it is not possible to empty,      customize
anywhere here,            or otherwise prove your
unusualness and unique ways -     I don't want to
sell you anything - no sneakers, books or drinks,
nice fragrance or other shit     - so no one will
deceive you here that you are important     and I
fuck your opinion.

       I don't know how       I can stop you from
copying or otherwise spreading my things      and
honestly - I don't even care        - but I would
definitely mind:     if you wanted to claim them:
that they are your things  - but I can't stop you
in this either - so if you're this type of coward
thieving waste      - know that I - sincerely and
devastatingly - despise you.

       Of course, if you happened to think,  that
you can make money on me   - to use my unfettered
and free creations commercially   for the purpose
of  increase in your assets - so - no.

       The best thing to do is stay here    for a
few minutes, read, watch some drawings, or listen
to music and go.    When you come back then, in a
few weeks - you can - together with me   - marvel
again at:   how far my abstract exhibitionism has
led me.

       But if you are not of legal age or you are
otherwise unable - you have to leave now  - there
are rude and non literary expressions - heretical
and subversive thoughts - Sexual content lurks in
many places        and contradictory and opposing
statements    - It's just vulgar and inconsistent
here and you have nothing to look for here.

       Your Peter Krutek.
