Intro..                                                                                               ... Back
Draw...                                                                                               .. Along
Poems..                                                                                               ... More

       .. that now we only have time for a few words a day: I miss you: maybe sometimes we won't meet exactly:
where we both want: for example: you might think of me as a moody fool:       which would be only a half true:
because: I'm really crazy about you ..

       .. everything I do: all parallels directed at you: they're almost never reflections of my current moods
and prevailing feelings - thoughts and ideas: which are behind them: sometimes ripen for many years:   until I
manage to grasp them. The feeling that prevails in me: from the moment: when I met you: is love - and a man in
love sometimes seems a little disturbed from a distance: especially:       when all his days are full of happy
running to a loved one ..

       .. rarely know: what I'm going to draw: and most of the time: I don't know exactly: what I've drawn now