
       With pride and glory   - we introduce the
utility articles de luxe     - limited edition -
DE LUXE LAXA   - The most luxurious toilet paper
- AND-SO-ON - tailored    - be the witness of my
humiliation - and hence the humiliation of world
art - take a look at what you think!    Talk for
free with a soulful face    that what the fuck?!
- these fucking artists!      - nine-hundred for
shitty paper?!    - or just boss when you have a
home visit - well - the shitty paper from Krutek
- whisper disgustedly - 905 euro ..


       Part of the legend  of Genius Picasso are
also the colorful stories   of his extraordinary
methods of payment - and inside them:    sweetly
tired of wine and fragrant women -  The Master -
in the morning   - quickly scribble something on
the napkin for waiters:   We're - here and now -
respectfully and with adequate pomp  - following
up these commemorative events      - and proudly
introducing our authorized napkins            in
denominations of banknotes. As otherwise  - only
for 880 Euro.   Selling however also separately.

All prices are for information only - of course - according to our YOUR PRICE project - all will be adjusted according to personality and property of the customer

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