
       Today is January 1, 2011  and the truth is
that I'm very cocky dick. Woman - when she behave
nice to me -    I immediately get scared that she
wants me and I'll start reversing.  Besides being
cocky - I'm also stupidly and naively shy. That's
why I've always been attracted to women     which
didn't want me      - and as soon as they started
wanting me - I started acting strangely. I put in
reverse gear and fucked up everything.      It is
mysterious         - how I actually got rid of my
virginity - hah, now I have an idea  that I would
call this: the virgin panic.
       Once I kissed a girl, it was at the tests,
actually it was the first time         - I put my
tongue in her mouth - because I liked her   - and
she stared at me all day shyly, I don't even know
her name - Mirka maybe.
       That day I saw many drunk people   - as it
all floats out     -  as it's all recorded there,
because of the kiss probably.
       She timidly agreed to come on a date  - on
which I didn't come,    the virgin panic got me.
       It were kynology tests   and my father was
doing a referee there or something,    I guess he
was doing some tests there as well.     There was
yellow lemonade and the sausage      and the dogs
was biting to the sleeves    - we had a sleeve at
home, hard concrete and the next day - I flaunted
before the guys that I packed one chick, and that
I have a date with her in a minute:       but the
wirgin panic got me and I didn't go there.
       The virgin panic   didn't allow me to kiss
Vlasta for a long time.  At the disco - we danced
endlessly and I still did nothing
